SuperTux is a clone of Super Mario Bros starring Tux, the Linux mascot. This is a 2D game that uses OpenGL graphics engine as. The goal is to complete the 26 scenarios where you'll find 9 different enemies. From the functional point of view, SuperTux is identical to Super Mario Bros.
In it you will find the classic coins, bricks blocks, mushrooms (which have been replaced by snowballs) or the flower that allows you to shoot fireballs. As in Super Mario Bros, SuperTux levels are organized worlds. And thanks to the level editor you can create your own scenarios.
SuperTux — Tux the Penguin's girlfriend, Penny, has been kidnapped! Tux must run, jump and stomp enemies while tracking her down! SuperTux is an open source 2D side-scroller taking strong inspiration from the Super Mario Bros. Games for Nintendo.